Saturday, May 20, 2006

I will trust...

"Do you trust God?" my pastor repeatedly asks from the pulpit. Good question. Do I trust God? I don't know.

I believe that God loves me. I believe that He never changes. I believe that all things are possible with Him - supernatural as well as natural. But I believe He usually lets the natural run its course.

I believe that He can send His angels down and supernaturally intervene in my life in all manner of ways. But I don't believe He usually will. I don't trust God to protect me from bad stuff in life. But I trust Him to give me the strength to get through each day.

I kind of believe that He has a plan for my life, but more for my character development than my place of residence, career or marital status. And I don't think I trust Him to make things occur so that His best plan for me will come to be - I think the running of my life is largely up to me... "Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it". But I do trust Him to be with me no matter where I end up, and to keep challenging me to grow and mature.

I believe God can heal, but I don't trust Him to do so - sickness and death are part of life. I see it as a suprise gift when He does answer prayers to heal.

I trust God with my family, in that I know He is far more able to look after them than I. But I also know that, just as I make choices for my life and have to live with those choices, so it is with their lives. And bad stuff will happen to people I love.

I guess I trust that God is all-capable, but not all-doing.

I trust Him that in the end, it will all be good... I don't trust Him to make things rosy along the way. I feel comfortable with this. I don't expect more from Him. Any rosy spots therefore are unexpected gifts from a God who loves me.


At 5:00 AM, Blogger kelgell said...

How interesting! The sermon I heard last Sunday was on trusting God instead of trying in your own strength. Very good to be reminded of. Trusting is a tricky thing.

At 1:53 AM, Blogger Serendipity said...

It's begging the question of "is there God?"

It's rather hard to prove this. Am not saying if he exist, just how do you know there's God?


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